When is it time to say good-bye?

I think one of the hardest things about owning a pet is having to decide when its time to say good-bye.

In my last post I mentioned that Kharma, my 11yo Great Dane is dying of old age.

She had some health issues that her vet assured me were minor, but I couldn’t help but notice how much she slowed down.

Through February she just seemed so tired.
Where she used to be first up the stairs when I announced that it was bedtime she would plod, if she even moved off the couch at all.
She started to show little interest in food, except for treats. Even for those she wouldn’t leave the couch. I had to bring them to her.
She wouldn’t greet even her favourite people at the door, nor would she go running at a knock barking her fool head off.

But she didn’t appear to be in any pain. So I coddled her and cared for her as best I could.

On the night I wrote the blog entry I mentioned above Kharma was lying on the comforter behind my chair. I pondered her for a long while. So long that my housemate wandered by and asked what was wrong.

“I think she’s got a week or two at the most.” I responded sadly.

We talked about the signs we’d both been seeing. He kindly offered to take her on her last trip to the vet when it was time.
“No, I’ll be with her when its her time”.

Tonight, just over a week later and its a very different dog lying on the comforter beside me (one of the dogs moved it I think).

She’s still slower than she was, and I’ve noticed it takes effort for her to climb on furniture, but she’s eating her own food, greeting people at the door, and even barking at random things when she’s in the backyard.

With these improvements there are bad days, even bad moments. Last night she looked so tired and worn out again. I had to run out to the grocery store for some things, including dog food. When I returned she was waiting at the door and bounced around with the other dogs.

I’m taking this one day at a time, but I’m finding the question of how do I know when its her time very hard in this instance.

With my other dogs it was obvious. They were obviously suffering. While these were terrible moments, the decision was easy because it was the right one.

I worry that when Kharma’s time comes that I will miss it. That I will take some other sign as a sign that she’s not ready.

I love her dearly. While all my dogs have been, or are awesome in their own way from the moment I met her I knew she was special. She’s affectionate in ways that I’ve never experienced with other dogs (or most humans for that matter).

It would break me if I realize one day that I’ve let her suffer for my own selfish reasons.

I thought writing this would help me solidify my thoughts…but it hasn’t.

I am, in this moment, very sad.

One Year….

They say time heals all wounds,  but today I’m calling bullshit on that.

One year ago my friend,  my little buddy,  Shelby the Pro-Zombie Cocker Spaniel passed from this mortal coil to the next.   Right now, as I type this the pain in my heart is as fresh as the day it happened.    It makes no sense I know for my brain to be wailing, “I MISS MY DOG!” with my sweet princess, Colorado,  Queen of Spazmania sitting not 4 feet away looking at me as if I’ve lost my mind (oh how diametrically opposed that happy crappy is right now).

But I do,  I miss him.  Shelby’s quiet, stoic companionship filled a void in my life.   I can’t describe it…but as I explained to my shrink one session not very long ago…its like with any good friend.   They can be in the room with you,  not saying a word,   not even in sight,  yet you know they are there…..and you know when they are not.   The realization that presence will never come clattering in, announced by claws on hardwood again is painful.

But life goes on.  It has to,  I have to.   Tomorrow the pain won’t be so bad.  I’m dedicating this to my little buddy, Shelby.   I miss you old friend.


Shelby: Pro Zombie Cocker Spaniel
Shelby: Pro Zombie Cocker Spaniel



3 Weeks later…

So,  this past Friday was the 3 week anniversary of Shelby’s passing.

Some people have been asking, so I thought to post an update here.

I still have tearful moments but the time between them grows longer.

I miss him.  Every fucking day I miss him.

Of my 2 cats,  Gus is the only one effected.  He hung out with Shelby and at times I had to break up the inter-species love fests.   Gus has become clingy and for the first time in his 10 or so years of life I’ve heard him purr.  Not much, but occasionally I’ll hear him purr when I’m petting him.

I don’t think Socks has noticed to be honest.

What’s interesting is that is in the past few days I’ve caught myself on the verge of buying Shelby treats.  I was in the pet food aisle buying kitty litter and cat food when I found myself selecting treats for Shelby.

Yesterday when I left Joe’s Diner,  I caught myself heading across the parking lot to the pet store to pick up the glucosamine cookies I always get him.

Interesting…ingrained habits that took 3 weeks to manifest again.

Outside of these bumps I’ve grown accustomed to him not being here.  The massive hole his passing left in my heart is still there and has been the subject of conversation with both my shrink and my therapist. I finally figured that out last night I think.  I need to digest and discuss with some people before I decide whether to post the results of my musings here.

But the short story is that I’m fine.   I’m able to function.  I don’t have to struggle to keep myself from running to pound and adopting another dog just to fill the void.

Thanks for caring,  and to all my friends,  flesh and virtual,  thanks for being there.   I’ll continue to make you laugh, and make you think and make you wonder if I’ve suffered brain damage 🙂